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​There are currently over 20 books with text and photographs exclusively by David Plowden and over 35 books to which David Plowden has contributed.

Photographs and text exclusively by David Plowden

Heartland: The Plains and The Prairie, W.W. Norton & Company, 2013

David Plowden’s Iowa, Humanities Iowa, 2012


Requiem for Steam: The Railroad Photographs of David Plowden, W. W. Norton & Company, 2010.


David Plowden: Vanishing Point: Fifty Years of Photography, W. W. Norton & Company, 2007; Introduction by Steve Edwards


A Handful of Dust: Disappearing America, W. W. Norton & Company, 2006


David Plowden: The American Barn, W. W. Norton & Company, 2003


Bridges: the Spans of North America, Revised Edition, W. W. Norton & Company, 2002


Imprints: A Retrospective, Bulfinch Press, 1997; Introduction by Alan Trachtenberg


Small Town America, Harry N. Abrams, 1994; Introduction by David G. McCullough


End of an Era: The Last of the Great Lakes Steamboats, W. W. Norton & Company, 1992


A Sense of Place, W. W. Norton & Company, 1988


A Time of Trains, W. W. Norton & Company, 1987


Industrial Landscape, W. W. Norton & Company, 1985


An American Chronology, Viking Press, 1982;  Introduction by David G. McCullough


Steel, Viking Press, 1981


Tugboat, Macmillan, 1976 (Received the American Library Association Notable Children’s Books 1976)


Bridges: The Spans of North America, Viking Press, 1974; alternate selection, Macmillan Book Club, 1975; reprint editions: hardcover W. W. Norton & Company, 1984; paperback 1988


Commonplace, E. P. Dutton, 1974


Floor of the Sky: The Great Plains, Sierra Club, 1972


The Hand of Man on America, Smithsonian, 1971; paperback edition Chatham, 1973; 2nd printing 1974


Lincoln and His America, Viking Press, 1970; alternate selection, Book-of-the-Month Club, 1971, (Received the Benjamin Barondess Award, 1971)


Farewell to Steam, Stephen Greene Press, 1966; Bonanza Edition, 1968 


Photographs exclusively by David Plowden, text co-authored by David Plowden

Steel: The Cycle of Industry, Photographs by David Plowden, Grohmann Museum, Milwaukee School of Engineering, 2017; Text with James R. Kieselburg

The Iron Road, Four Winds Press, 1978; Text with Richard Snow

Desert and Plain, the Mountains and the River, E.P. Dutton, 1975; Text with Berton Roueche

Cape May to Montauk, Viking Press, 1973; Text with Nelson P. Falorp

Nantucket, Viking Press, 1970; Text with Patricia Coffin

America the Vanishing, Stephen Greene Press, 1969

Gems, Viking Press, 1967


Photographs exclusively by David Plowden

A Place of Sense, University of Iowa, 1988


The States and the Nations, W. W. Norton & Company and the American Association for State and Local History, 1977–1981, (New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Vermont editions)


Wayne County: The Aesthetic Heritage of a Rural Area, Publishing Center for Cultural Resources, 1979 (Commissioned by New York State Council for the Arts))


The Freeway in the City, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968

​David Plowden, Contributor

​Classic Steam: Timeless Photographs of North American Steam Railroading, Fall River Press, Elephant Book Company Limited, 2009

​Encyclopedia of Photography: Twentieth-Century Photography, (Volumne 3 O-Z), Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006


Professional Photography Photographing Building, RotoVision SA, 2001


Brooklyn, A State of Mind, Workman Publishing, 2001


Recovering the Prairie, University of Wisconsin Press, 1999


Predictions for the Next Millennium, Andrews McMeel, 1998


Photography’s Multiple Roles, The Museum of Contemporary    Photography, 1998


Plain Pictures: Images of the American Prairie, Smithsonian Press, 1996


Black and White Cats, Collins Publishers, 1992


The Changing Face of America, Prentice Hall, 1991


We Go There on the Train, The National Council on the Aging, 1989


Shaping Space, Kirkhauser, 1988


Landscape, Gallery of World Photography & Thames & Hudson, 1984


An Open Land: Photographs of the Middle West 1852-1982, Open Lands    Institute, 1983,


Photography as Fine Art, E.P. Dutton, 1983


The Gallery of World Photography: The City, Shueish Publishing Company, 1983,


The Gallery of World Photography: The Country, Shueish Publishing    Company, 1983,


The Photograph Collectors Guide, by Lee Witkein, The New York Graphics Society, 1979


Bruce Caton’s America, American Heritage, 1979


The Great West: Real Ideal, University of Colorado Press, 1977


Industrial Archaeology, Penguin Books, 1976


History Cast in Metal, The Cast Metal Institute, 1976


Railroads in America, American Heritage, 1975


Mr. Jefferson, Architect, Viking Press, 1973


The Americans, Viking Press, 1966


With Heritage So Rich, Random House, 1966

All material on this website copyright © 1955-2024 by David Plowden – All rights reserved.

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